Friday, July 23, 2010

To fight it's way in

I want to be happy. I've been happy. So where did that happiness go? In a rush it just left leaving me broken and defenceless. Now it has to fight it's way back in.


  1. Ugh.
    I can.. Relate all too well.
    I'd love to move on, find someone who makes me happy and all that glittery goodness, but it seems to evade me like oil on water.

    Hopefully at one point we both can find it..

  2. I don't even know what stole my happiness it just left. But yes I'm sure we can both find someone or something to make us happy again.

  3. I know where mine went. It died, instead of me.

  4. Meh. It took the pills I gave myself and died.
