Thursday, August 18, 2011

Protecting you

I dreamt about it again last night, the way the light shone off the blade as it plunged into you. The look of shock but not hatred... why don't you hate me? It was hurt and betrayal but not hatred How could it not be hatred? You were always so trusting, too trusting, I've always told you that. the world it just isn't what you think-thought- what you thought it was. The world it- can be a bad bad place, full of bad people. But you'd just laugh and say I was paranoid and that the world isn't a bad place. Oh but it is, I know it is and I just wanted you to see that, so you didn't get hurt. That's all I was trying to do, I was protecting you. But you never thought not even for a moment I would do it, not for a second. So when I came into your room that night crying you- you came and hugged me, I almost believed you in that moment, I almost believed there's good in the world, but, there isn't. So I pulled away, you looked hurt and I wanted nothing more then to pull you back in, hug you and say you're right. No that's a lie, what I really wanted to do was believe you're right; but you weren't. So then I showed you the knife the big butchers knife I toke from the kitchen, it shone in the moonlight but you didn't move just looked at me like you always did. You didn't believe I'd do it and really I didn't want to, I really didn't want to. But I was protecting you, I was showing you that you're wrong, I was helping, I was- was protecting you.


If I could have one thing one wish, would I have the courage to wish for something to benefit the world? Something for the greater good of humanity? Or would I just wish for something I want something that's mine? Would I regret making a selfless wish? I know I would, every time I would use what I wanted I would regret not having it I'd be angry. But would I feel guilty wishing for something that's mine. I know I would every single time it benefited me or every single time someone else could have used my wish.

Good enough

Good enough? Am I good enough for you? Am I all that you hoped for or am I just a way to pass time? How much time are you looking to waste? How long are you planning on playing this little game of yours? You can't just come into my life and-and change everything. No, no this will not do at all.

She's Always Running

Looking down at the swirling red liquid in her glass, she could almost imagine him there. If she closes her eyes really tight she could see them dancing or laughing or just... just talking. The first night they met he had recued her from some jerk at the bar only to turn into that jerk. She thought rejecting him would be enough but men like that just can't refuse a challenge, so the next night when she showed up he was there, waiting for her. Finally she gave in and danced then he took her for coffee the next day, and that was it. He had her, and she was his until she just got up and walked away. Thinking about it still hurts and she doesn’t know why she did it and even now almost a year later tucked away it the darkest corner of the club she misses him. But even so when he finally sees her and starts to make his way over she runs away. She's always running.