Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Embarrassing story time

Not normally what I write on here but... Embarrassing story time.

So I tried to go apple picking for a grad class event. The people I was driving up, decided not to go so I just drove by myself. After getting lost -even though I've been since told there is a clear sign telling me which way to go- I drove around for 45 minuets. So after a while I decided to turn around. I then saw a dirt road and thought "Hey I wonder if there are apples down here"...There weren't -_-, but there was a house. So after discovering that backing up the winding dirt road was going to be difficult I went to turn around. While turning I drove over a piece of pipe and got stuck. Great... So I got out of the car leaving it in neutral and running, then locked myself out of the car... After freaking out because my wallet and phone are in the car. I go up and awkwardly flag down this guy who lets me use his son's house phone that was a awkward car ride. While I'm using the phone his daughter-in-law and him are talking about her sex life with his son... So I call my Dad... he doesn't even seem surprised. Anyway the guy I flagged down came back and opened the door and towed me out.

So long story short.. Got lost... Got stuck... Got locked out...

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