Monday, November 7, 2011


She feels the need to hate something but it's not fair to hate others just to hate. So she projects it onto herself. But she's happy now, happy with herself, so how do you hate what makes you happy? You don't, you destroy the happiness until all that's left is hurt. Because it's easy to hate something that hurts. But even then there's a little bit left, something to be happy about so she clings to it, never to let it g0. And that's good but it works the same with hurt an hate, she'll cling to it and never let go. With every smile she gives to someone that hurts her it grows, until she's left clinging to the happiness yet again.


But what if I wasn't her, what if I wasn't that girl? What if one thing was different. If I acted different looked different. If I had a different life different parents, different childhood, different friends? How different would I have to be?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

To be anybody else

She screams "I don't want to live this life, I don't want to be this girl, any more". And so she runs and runs, but she is her. She tries so hard not to be her but she is because you can't run away from yourself.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Pushed over

I trusted you, so much, I needed to be able to. But you, you hurt me so, so much. I let you do it too, let you take me there. I knew knew it was a bad idea but I needed you so I just went. I never went to the cliff, you knew I couldn't, that I wasn't ready to, and on that night... Even the weather told me not to go. The rain dreanched my hair the second I steped outside. I immedality missed the warmth of the fire, when the door slamed behind leaving me with you. Oh but you just smiled and I couldn't say no, I needed you and you needed this, so I went. When we pulled up to the waves grew somewhat stronger as if they knew. Where they in on it to? the grass was slippery, I'm sure that what you told everybody, but why was I there? What did you tell them about that? We sat there for hours and I relaxed slightly but then the waves crashed harder, they were tired of waiting. My body begain to stiffen and I think you saw it so you gave me my last gift, it was a kiss, exactlly what I thought I needed from you then you looked me in the eye and pushed.

Thank you

Thank you to everyone, you has given their lives to protect us. And every one who supports them in anyway.

use for me

What's what's your use for me?
why do you keep me, with all of the trouble?
Just find another, we're all alike us girls, with no no personality.
You need someone interesting, someone original to be with to love.
Me? Darling I'm just well I'm just regenerating everything I hear. Everything I see. There's nothing nothing interesting about me. Is there? But no there has to be something something about me that draws you in something to make you stay. Or is it just that I'm good at copying and I've made a copy of you. I'm so so much like you because I've stolen everything I love, and it just happens to be what you love to. But if I'm just like you then you don't love me, you could never love me because you don't love yourself.