Saturday, November 5, 2011

Pushed over

I trusted you, so much, I needed to be able to. But you, you hurt me so, so much. I let you do it too, let you take me there. I knew knew it was a bad idea but I needed you so I just went. I never went to the cliff, you knew I couldn't, that I wasn't ready to, and on that night... Even the weather told me not to go. The rain dreanched my hair the second I steped outside. I immedality missed the warmth of the fire, when the door slamed behind leaving me with you. Oh but you just smiled and I couldn't say no, I needed you and you needed this, so I went. When we pulled up to the waves grew somewhat stronger as if they knew. Where they in on it to? the grass was slippery, I'm sure that what you told everybody, but why was I there? What did you tell them about that? We sat there for hours and I relaxed slightly but then the waves crashed harder, they were tired of waiting. My body begain to stiffen and I think you saw it so you gave me my last gift, it was a kiss, exactlly what I thought I needed from you then you looked me in the eye and pushed.

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